艺术家数字资产管理 访问量:806062




2019-04-15 11:53:29 来源:艺术家提供 作者: 陈蛮父 


Chen Manfu: The spiritual core of A Hai's painting is also from Nanjing, or the South. The so-called South is a huge cultural symbol or metaphor, containing infinite rich images, but the keynote is sad, decadent, negative and painful. Although he has lived in Beijing for a long time, A Hai's artistic creation still belongs to southern narration, which is aesthetic, decadent and nihilistic, and expresses the memory and praise of a drifter to the ruins of the spiritual home. The representative works of A Hai often have a huge flower that is out of proportion to other people or things. It is frightening. Like the lamp in the dark night, it occupies the center of the picture. It is like a huge dream. It doesn't know where it comes from or for whom. These images may come from some texts, or they may be transcendental. A Hai lingered in the depths of the dim history. The seeds buried inside may blossom at the right time one after another. With his keen tentacles, he sensed the world and pursued poetic expression. Of course, A Hai's artistic ideal is not only to restore the temperament of a city, he is also keen to create conflicts, create the tension between quiet elegance and decadent death, and project his complex personality onto rice paper. Let's not forget his favorite color blue, the bright or dark blue, which is almost the elixir to induce dreams, the evocation banner and the window to the soul. He made up for the poverty of thought with excellent skills and poetic intuition.


